Beat Brain Fog with these 6 Foods

Beat Brain Fog with these 6 Foods

Do you find yourself forgetting words, not being able to finish sentences, or remember details? If you struggle with memory, focus, and clarity, you probably have brain fog. Other symptoms of brain fog include confusion, disorientation of time and place, and slowing of mental reflexes and sharpness. Quality sleep and less stress are essential for…

The Relationship Between Your Blood Sugar Levels & Menstrual Cycle Troubles

The Relationship Between Your Blood Sugar Levels & Menstrual Cycle Troubles

Why do we experience worse PMS some months than others? Turns out, there is a connection between PMS and glucose. In fact, your blood sugar and menstrual cycle have a deep-seeded relationship that affects how you feel and how your body works during each phase of your cycle. Studies show that glucose control changes throughout…