Modern society tells us that productivity equals success. And the more we do, the closer we get to the American dream. Luckily, the pandemic taught us that slowing down can be a good thing and even lead to more success. But with quarantine over and everything getting back to seemingly normal, we’ve slipped back into the constant go go go.
If you feel constantly overworked and stressed out, we need to talk. Experiencing burnout at work and daily life without taking steps to reduce it can lead to a lot of bad. Exhaustion eventually takes over, and chronic fatigue sets in. And trust me, I’ve been there, and it’s no fun. In this article, we’re sharing tips and strategies for burnout recovery.
Signs of Burnout
- Consistent frustration and irritability
- Difficulty maintaining relationships and staying present
- Chronic fatigue and insomnia
- Headaches and migraines
- Lack of motivation
- Difficulty concentrating, memory loss
- Poor digestion
Burnout can lead to adrenal fatigue, negative work performance, and an increased risk for depression, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and more. Understanding the signs of burnout and making space and time for yourself to heal is crucial. Here are the first steps to take when healing burnout.
Strategies for Burnout Recovery
Find the Source
What is causing your burnout? Is it the extra hours you’re putting in at work? Is it trying to balance running a business and raising a family? Or is it forcing yourself to go to the gym for hours every day, dealing with relationship problems, caring for a loved one with a serious or chronic health condition?
Eventually, you bend so much you break, and continuing on the same just won’t work. Finding the source of your burnout is key to addressing it. We don’t do band-aid solutions here. We get to the root and fix it there. No amount of Epsom salt baths will help cure burnout (although they can support relaxation (; which we will get into later)
Identify Immediate Changes You Can Make
What can you do today that can help lighten the load? If you are trying to run a business and tackle 15 projects at once, consider getting an assistant or another employee. If you are the sole caretaker of your sick parent or child, ask for help. If you feel overwhelmed by a friend who constantly calls you to complain and suck your positive energy—set boundaries. No more people-pleasing.
What can you do today that will help relieve stress and allow some you time. Brainstorm ideas in a journal.
It’s not going to be an easy road to recovery, but prioritizing self-respect and nourishment are key here.
Which brings me to my next point.
Nourish Yourself
You’re already low on energy, and your body is crying out for some love. Nourish it with grounding whole foods like sweet potatoes, beans, and rice. Make sure you are getting all of your vitamins and minerals through fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables. Make your wellness routine easier by investing in some convenient and delicious supplements.
I know you’re tired, but try making yourself a healthy meal. Something warming. Or order in from your favorite healthy mom-and-pop resturant.
Pay Attention to Your Needs
Sometimes taking a bath in the morning is what your soul is craving. Sit with yourself each day and figure out what your body and soul need. It may be asking you to skip the gym, to cook an extra big breakfast, to drop into yoga—listen and take charge. Make a promise to yourself not to feel bad for prioritizing your needs. After all, you’re able to do what you want better when you feel good.
A fantastic way to pay attention to your needs is to start journaling. This is a no-questions-asked daily ritual in our house. It helps us get clear on our goals and desires and is a great reminder of what makes us happy and the best version of ourselves. We love this 5 minute journal.
Talk to a Therapist
Burnout can have deep roots, and confronting it isn’t always easy.
A therapist can help guide you in identifying the causes, finding coping mechanisms, and navigating any contributing factors. If your burnout feels like hopelessness, depression, and anxiety, talking to a professional may be extremely helpful for you.
Simple Ways to Care for Yourself When Healing From Burnout
Soak in an Epsom Salt Bath
When you’re burned out, your body can feel it. When you start to pay attention to it, you may realize that you feel achy, sore, and even in pain. An epsom salt pain is an incredible and simple way to relieve pain and stress at the same time.
Epsom salts are made up of sulfur, oxygen, and magnesium, and they offer a plethora of benefits. Magnesium, for starters, is great to help relieve inflammation and relax the body so that you can get a quality night’s sleep.
I love to mix my epsom salts with lavender or bergamot essential oil for extra stress relief. Soaking in the bath for 15-20 minutes before bed (or seriously whatever time of day you want!) is sure to help put you in a more relaxed state so that you have a chance to recover.
Include Adaptogens in Your Daily Routine
Adaptogens are herbs that help the body adapt to stress. Popular adaptogens like ashwagandha, cordyceps, Schisandra, Rhodiola, ginseng, maca, and reishi can help support normal metabolic function and restore equilibrium in the body.
They help increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, emotional, and environmental stressors and help enhance our defense response to acute and chronic stress.
How? They work by protecting the body from being thrown out of homeostasis, and in turn support the HPA Axis.
The HPA axis consists of our hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands—and it’s in charge of regulating stress, cognitive function, digestion, immunity, moods and emotions, sexuality, energy storage, and expenditure!
Look for popular adaptogens like the ones we mentioned above in powders, tinctures, capsules, and more.
One of our favorite ways to get all this good stuff in is with our Organic Immunity Greens powder. We made it specifically with incredible adaptogens for immune strength and total wellness.
Use Essential Oils
Essential oil aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years to help reduce stress and promote calmness. Keeping oils on hand is a natural and easy way to help relax and revive. Check out our article on 5 of the Best Essential Oils for Stress to learn more.
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