Whether it’s period issues, hot flashes, acne, anxiety, brain fog or full blown adrenal fatigue, essential oils can help. In this episode, I am diving into the best essential oils for hormone balance. Hormone imbalances are super common among women. Oftentimes, the medical system starts with synthetic medications. Today, I want to shed light on the power of plants and how they can be highly effective for a number of hormone challenges that women face. 

Essential oils are versatile, safe, cost-effective, potent, easy to use, and accessible. Here are my 7 favorite essential oils for female hormone balance. 


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  1. Fennel: Irregular cycle, PMS, cramps, milk supply, menopause and perimenopause 
  2. Ylang Ylang: Low libido, stress, hormone imbalance
  3. Rose: Painful periods, cycle irregularity, low libido 
  4. Clary Sage: Period cramps, hot flashes, insomnia (avoid while pregnant)
  5. Frankincense: Thyroid dysregulation, overall cellular health for hormone support
  6. Rosemary: Mental fatigue & adrenal support, hair loss (can often be hormonal)
  7. Basil: Amenorrhea, adrenal support, mental fatigue

How Best to Use:

  • Topical is ideal for getting oils into the system – use a carrier oil for best results. 
  • Diffusing or palm inhalation works well for things like stress and mental fatigue 
  • You can use oils internally, but make sure to do your research and make sure that they are high-quality 

Featured in this episode…

The Complete Guide to Carrier Oils for Essential Oils

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  1. What brand of essential oils do YOU like. I see you have reviewed alot, but what do you like in your cabinets?

    1. I use and LOVE doterra. Here is my brand review on them: https://elevays.com/doterra-essential-oils/
      Completely unbiased. As you know, I go deep when I review and that’s what I did here. I’ve been a loyal Doterra customer for YEARS and to this day, they are my tried and trues. Thank you so much for reaching out.