In part two of our two-part home birth story, we’re getting into post-birth with our baby girl Eliana.
For all four of our babies, it was important for me to have control over my birth experience. Having my husband as my advocate was, without a doubt, crucial for each and every birth.
With CO-VID19, many women are being forced to have their babies in the hospital with no support. I can’t imagine what that would be like, and my heart and prayers go out to every woman who has to do it alone.
Home birth allows you to control your birth story. You decide whether you want to change positions, birth in water or not, support your body innately, guide your baby out, and more.
Sometimes, doctors in the hospital will encourage you to speed the process up or hinder the process by giving too many (most of the time, unnecessary) medications.
In this episode, we’re diving into a lot of what happens after birth. Isaac talks about the crazy and magical euphoria he experienced after Eliana’s birth.
We discuss the best food, nutrients, and tips to avoid vaginal tearing.
You’ll learn about vernix (that yellowy white stuff that covers your baby) and why it isn’t always a great idea to wash the baby off immediately.
We also go into delayed cord clamping and talk about how hospitals and companies make money off cutting the cord early. We share our experience with delayed cord clamping, how long we delayed it, and why we choose to wait.
This is a juicy episode for anyone interested in home birthing but still has some extra questions and concerns about the process. We hope you enjoy it.
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