Why can’t I sleep? If you can’t fall asleep at night or get enough sleep, your energy will be shot the next day. Make it a habit, and you’ve got a recipe for chronic fatigue. You might be surprised at what is robbing you of your energy and sleep, though. In this episode, we’re talking about six stimulants that are horrible for high energy and quality sleep. By now, we know that coffee and caffeine (especially late in the day) are horrible for sleep and energy. That’s old news—but did you know that for some people, it’s worse? In this episode, we’re talking about why + dangers of social media, the problem with your movie choice, food habits, and answering common questions like is working out late at night bad?

First things first: social media. From horrible news about the state of our world to the blue light that wreaks havoc on melatonin production, social media plays a starring role in the low energy and poor sleep show that is your life. If you are having a hard time putting your phone down and staying off social media for a bit, try getting to the root. Ask yourself Why am I struggling to get off of social media? For Erica, she realized that she was craving connection when Isaac was away for work. For others, she notes that it can be insecurity, the need for validation, an escape from everyday problems.


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Movies and TV are also other stimulants that can cause problems with your sleep and energy. This is especially true if you watch a show that makes your heart race gets your emotions spinny, or makes you scared/fearful. Watching TV right before bed (or anytime for that matter) puts you in the perfect state of hypnosis, which means your dreams and daily life can be seriously impacted by it.

Next up, caffeine and coffee late in the day. Here’s the thing, when you drink a cup of coffee, it doesn’t give you energy it just blocks the signaling that tells your brain you are tired. Coffee and other caffeinated drinks should never be consumed after noon because they can keep you up when you are supposed to be hitting the hay. This is especially true for slow caffeine metabolizers!

Another stimulant that you may not have thought about is working late! Not only does the blue light from your computer or lighting inhibit proper melatonin production, but having your mind in working mode also sends your body the wrong signal. It’s essential to give yourself proper wind-down and relaxation time. This is essential for letting your body know it is safe and allowed to fall into a deep slumber.

Working out late can also negatively affect sleep and energy levels. Dr. Jones explains that when you work out late at night, you are firing up energy and metabolism, once again sending your body the wrong signal before bed. Instead, try waking up earlier and getting a good workout before work. This will do wonders for your sleep and energy throughout the day.

Lastly, eating too late is horrible for sleep. When our bodies are stuck digesting food when they are supposed to be sleeping and flushing out toxins, they are stuck in overdrive. That means they can’t get the proper sleep and do the job they are supposed to be doing at night time. Try to eat at least 3-4 hours before bedtime so that your body can digest before getting some z’s.

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