This week, we’re putting Clary Sage essential oil in the spotlight. For the past month, we’ve talked a lot about how essential oils can help balance hormones. If you missed it, head over to our Instagram @elevayshealth to check out our IGTVs and grab our free guides on essential oils for the oil cleansing method, thyroid support, and PMS symptoms. But now that you’re here, we’re going to dive into one of the best essential oils to balance hormones, clary sage. Read on to learn all the beautiful benefits, how-to’s, and how you can enter to win a free bottle! 

When you first hear “sage,” you may initially think of someone burning a dried  bundle sage to clear bad energy in their home. Or maybe you think of a savory chicken dish.  While those types of sage are perfect for those things, we’re talking about a different kind, best known for its medicinal value, clary sage.

History of Clary Sage

Clary sage (botanical name: Salvia sclarea) is an herb that’s native to the Mediterranean Basin region and grows well in high-temperature areas and can reach up to 6 feet in height! Medicinal uses of this powerful plant date back to the Middle Ages when it was often used to soothe skin and treat eye health. Now, clary sage is widely used for hormone imbalances due to too much stress, overworked adrenals, PMS, and menstural. Essential oils like clary sage work because they are plant-based adaptogens designed to help balance your body physically, giving you exactly what you need. Let’s take a closer look.


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4 Clary Sage Essential Oil Benefits

Helps Balance Hormones

Clary sage is well-known for its ability to help with hormonal balance, whether an imbalance is due to menstrual complaints, menopausal symptoms, post-pregnancy, or just good ole’ stress.

A hormonal imbalance can present itself as a multitude of things: stress, anxiety, occasional depression, irritability, insomnia, acne, etc. Having clary sage on hand can help combat these common feelings and issues.

But what clary sage is most often praised for is its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They’re what make it such an incredible natural pain reliever. You’ll find this oil in every hormone blend because it balances estrogen production and regulates cycles. Because clary sage can stimulate blood flow, do not use if pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

For cramps, mix 2-3 drops of Clary sage with a teaspoon or so of carrier oil and massage onto abdomen and areas of discomfort, like lower back pain.

Relieve Stress

Clary sage is a calming oil and can even act as a sedative for some (no driving post clary sage!) It’s known to help with insomnia, irritability, stress, and emotional balance. My favorite way to use clary sage to relieve stress is by taking a bubble bath. Simply mix 5 drops of the oil with 1 cup of epsom salt or bubble bath mix. Then, add it to a hot bath and soak for 15-20 minutes before bed.

To combat stressful and anxious feelings that are common PMS symptoms, diffuse 5 drops of clary sage to promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Rejuvenate and Soothe Skin

Not only is clary sage soothing to the mind but it is also extremely soothing for the skin. It will work wonders on skin that is irritated, acne-prone, or unbalanced. And it’s all thanks to its long list of skin lovin’ properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal.

To soothe and balance skin or to combat acne, mix 1-2 drops of clary sage with your all-natural cleanser or moisturizer and gently massage into skin.

Support Healthy Hair and Scalp

Just when you thought clary sage couldn’t get any better for your beauty and health goals, I hit you with benefit #4: supports healthy hair and scalp!

Who doesn’t want luscious, shiny hair?! Clary sage contains linalyl acetate, which is a powerful hair grown component. It can help strengthen hair and reduce breakage.

To use, mix 2 drops of clary sage with your favorite all-natural conditioner and massage into hair. Do this every day and rinse after 2 minutes OR twice a week and leave in for 10 minutes. You’ll love your locks again in no time.

Now you know about all the awesome benefits and uses of clary sage essential oil. So, are you ready to get some!? Head over to our Instagram @elevayshealth to learn how you can win a free bottle of clary sage essential oil! Balanced hormones, less stress, smoother skin, and shinier hair are only a click away.

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