You must think like a CEO, systematize & optimize your current business while building your virtual practice
If you can’t systematize and optimize your current business, then how do you expect to do so online?
Many of the principles of scaling a brick and mortar business is cross-contextual online.
For instance, a crappy marketer offline is most likely going to be a crappy marketer online. If you’re a bad team leader in your practice, then how do you expect to lead a team online. You have to sharpen your sword before you go into battle.
Already killing it!
If You Were More Consistent With Your Wellness Routine, You’d Be Unstoppable.
There are three key steps to systematizing your current business:
1. Create a company process manual
Document every process and system in your office and continue to work with your team to make the processes more streamlined and simplified. There is a great tool online called that will give you the foundation to do this. Be as detailed as you can when you do this so that when you hire someone it’s easy for them to follow exactly what needs to be done.
Once you have a solid process manual, it’s much easier to hire people to run your business for you or even sell your business if you are in that position. Several doctors that have been through my process have sold their practices.
2. Optimize your acquisition, service and retention
How are you getting your clients and patients currently?
What are better ways to aquire clients and create revenue then you are currently doing now?
What is the level of service you are giving to people that you are working with?
How could you create even more fun, happiness and delight for the people you serve?
And what can you do to get people to stay with you in the long run and even referr people to you? Are you making the referral process easy?
3. Become the CEO
You can’t scale unless you start thinking like a leader. You have to start running your business like a business if you are self employeed or not. This is a priceless skill set to develop now. Do you have team trainings? Are you looking at your key performance indicators and finances on a regular basis? Do you have a “scoreboard”? Does your team have a “scoreboard”? Do you know when you’re “winning” or “losing”?
You can’t manage what you don’t measure, so make sure you’re measuring the key metrics for your business.
There is one book that will help you understand this model of “being” and it’s called “Scaling up: Mastering the Rockafellar Habits 2.0”.
I highly recommend going through that book.
[Tweet “You can’t manage what you don’t measure!”]
There are several other things that you may want to look into, but those three things should be a good start.
Expect adversity and learn from it because adversity is your greatest catalyst for growth
A doctor named James that I was working with decided to do a marketing promotion online to a very saturated market. On top of that, it was to a niche that he wasn’t super passionate about serving. He did it because he had a unique story about his mom who never addressed the problem he was trying to address and ended up passing away. He thought it would go off extremely well because of this unique story. He invested $30,000 on the development, marketing and promotion online. He ended up breaking even and came away with a 12,000 person email list.
Another doctor named Lisa hired a north american based web design firm that within 1 month dropped the ball on several of their promises. The website wasn’t integrated, the emails weren’t put together, among other issues.
Both James and Lisa learned through the challenges they went through, and built a better team, better marketing strategies and systems for their business. All growth oriented entrepreneurial-minded health experts know that failure doesn’t exist so long as you learn from it and grow.
Dr. Josh Axe has millions of followers, and sells millions of dollars of products and programs online each month. Most people look at Josh’s success and say, “Wow, he’s lucky!” But his success wasn’t luck. What most people don’t know about Josh is when he flew down to mastermind with me in Atlanta just 3 years ago. He needed some advice and insight on how he could grow his business because he had invested 6 figures into his online brand and it wasn’t progressing like he wanted.
A month after our meeting he had his first six figure month and started to get real traction.
He learned from his mistakes, focused on growth, developed key relationships and now runs a 8 figure online health businesses, soon to be nine figures. As a Health Expert, he’s running his dream health business.
Those that risk big, win big. And when you bootstrap your own brand and business versus a stock or bond, the returns can be out of this world. The best thing you can invest into is yourself. This is one of the key takeaways from the book The Education of Millionaires. Millionaires invest into themselves and bootstrap their own success.
[Tweet “Millionaires invest into themselves and bootstrap their own success.”]
The key point is that this process is a journey, and you need to be committed to learning from your adversities, invest in yourself and have fun along the way!
Don’t live in the “gap”, rather measure backwards for optimal happiness and joy
A concept that entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan talks about is “avoiding the gap”. He uses the analogy of flying a plane. When you get in a plan your vision is to move to one place to another. While flying you can only see as far as your eyes take you which is the horizon. As you approach the horizon changes. The horizon is dynamic and can change as you move towards it.
The horizon is your “ideal” vision or business goal. As you move towards it, it can change slightly throughout your journey. The horizon is something to inspire you and to help you continue to move forward, but you shouldn’t constantly measure where you are to the horizon or “ideal” as you’ll never feel accomplished. This is what he calls “living in the gap”. The “gap” is the space between where you are now and where you want to be.
All entrepreneurial happiness throughout the journey comes through being inspired by the “ideal”, and measuring backwards from where you’ve been to where you are currently. When you regularly celebrate your “wins” and focus on the progress you’ve made, you can feel good about moving forward. As soon as you start comparing yourself to others and measuring forwards, you lose all momentum and can get frustrated and sometimes even depressed.
Only make this transition if you convey compassion, care and confidence.
When I envision what the future of healthcare looks like on my own, and on my walks with healthcare visionary Jeff Arnold, I know that the two things that patients want more than anything is a doctor that conveys confidence and compassion. Jeff was telling me how powerful this is for patient outcomes, and I believe it explains my success as a Health Consultant working virtually with people all over the world. It’s one of the underlying reasons why people invest thousands to tens of thousands for me to help them without having met me in person.
So if you don’t have confidence and compassion, or you’re not willing to develop it, then going virtual is just not for you. This is another “non-start”, and my recommendation is for you to continue doing whatever has worked for you in the past and to not build a virtual practice and online brand.
In the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine an article entitled “Compassionate care enhancement: benefits and outcomes” concluded that compassionate care has many dimensions of beneficial impact. It helps with patient treatment adherence, wound healing, satisfaction, happiness and well-being.
Here are some other powerful things that empathy and compassion can impact in patient outcomes:
- Patients that gave clinicans a perfect empathy score reported their colds were less severe a few days later than patients who gave their clinicians less-than-perfect empathy scores. This study reviewed over 700 clinical encounters.
- A German study of 710 cancer patients showed physicians with higher empathy scores positively improved cancer outcomes, lower levels of depression and increased quality of life.
- With over 20,000 patients with diabetes mellitus studied, outcomes show that physicians with higher empathy scores had significantly lower rates of acute metabolic complications. And also improved the physiology of the patient with better hemoglobin A1c and LDL-C levels.
So again, if you’re getting into this because you want to make a lot of money and live a great lifestyle, check yourself. You won’t go anywhere unless you can translate an authentic care and love for the person on the other side of the camera and computer screen. You have to have an authentic compassion for human well-being, and that needs to be your primary focus.
All the money and lifestyle benefits come after your heart burns to authentically help make this world a better place. It has to be your primary intention. This is so important that I’ve create a document for all of my doctors and health entrepreneurs to look at every day so they can connect back the “why”.
Now That You Have Learnt About What You Need To Know Before Scaling Out of Your Practice and Building a Virtual Business and Online Brand” Learn The Next Step…
If you’re serious about building an online brand and/or building a virtual practice (the two come hand in hand), and you didn’t fall into the “non-start” categories as mentioned above then you should take the next steps to learning how to create a bigger change in the world.
You are someone that considers themselves a growth oriented entrepreneur that wants to play to their strengths, systematize and optimize their business and act more like a CEO.
You know adversity is coming your way but you want to surround yourself with people that can help navigate those challenges and your are committed to learning from any issue you may face.
For optimal happiness you measure backwards and convey confidence and compassion to the people you want to serve.
To help you accomplish the steps that I’ve outlined in this article, I’ve partnered up with my friend Dr. Josh Axe.
Our goal is to share our business insights with you in an upcoming live event where you’ll discover how to:
- Take control of your business and life again
- Create maximal joy in your work day
- Get clarity on what your ideal practice or health business looks like
- Create specific action steps to move in the direction of your dreams
We are creating a community of “abundant minded”, “big hearted” doctors and health professionals that will collaborate, support and build each other up.
If you’re interested in plugging into this community then consider attending the Health Experts Alliance Live Event.
Click here to learn more about building your dream business by connecting with us
We’ve designed the Health Experts Academy with you in mind.
Here’s what you can look forward when you attend the Health Experts Academy:
- Inside secrets from the industry’s leading health doctors and entrepreneurs to show you the specific steps to build your dream business
- Collaboration and synergistic partnerships with other doctors and experts to increase your impact
- Clinical roundtables on cutting edge health science to serve people at a higher level
- Business Q & A. Get your questions answered by some of the world’s top Health Experts – all who earn a minimum of 7 figures a year.
- Hot Seats – Tap into the collective genius of the room by getting direct feedback on your vision and business ideas.
- Lots more exciting goodies…but you’ll have to show up to find out what they are
This event will most likely sell out as we have limited space. So if you’re interested click this link now to learn more…
In my next blog post I’ll be giving you some of the specifics steps that I used to build my business. I’m going to show you “under the hood”, so you can see what’s possible…
To Transforming Healthcare,
Dr. Jones
P.s. The Health Experts Academy is for those serious about living their best life and using their gifts, talents and abilities to make a better world for us to live in. The side effect of learning this is to create more freedom, more income and a bigger impact.
If this resonates, then you’ll want to learn more about attending the Health Experts Academy by clicking here…
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