How to Travel Like a High Performer

How to Travel Like a High Performer Vacation is usually meant for relaxing, but travel can throw you off the rails if you let it. Whether you’re going away for business or pleasure, the whole act of “getting there” can sometimes drain your energy. And the last thing you want is to show up at your destination feeling (and looking) like…

How to Start Meditating: Beginner’s Tips for Better Productivity and More Peace

How to Start Meditating: Beginner’s Tips for Better Productivity and More Peace

How to Start Meditating: Beginner’s Tips for Better Productivity and More Peace What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “meditation?” Do you see Buddhist monks in oranges robes? Or, images of beatniks in clouds? If you’ve ever wondered about how to start meditating, the first thing you…

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue: The 4 Red Flags You Need to Know

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue: The 4 Red Flags You Need to Know

How much stress have you been dealing with this week? Is it the rip your hair out, scream at the top of your lungs kind of stress? Or the subtle, but very present sense of urgency and “not enough time to get everything done” kind of stress? It’s just inevitable, isn’t it? Modern day living…

Top 3 Yoga Poses for Women

Top 3 Yoga Poses for Women

Yoga. I’m sure you’ve heard about the benefits of practicing these ancient and artful poses, but do you really understand the true value of setting aside some time to let go of the daily tension and stress that we as women are so good at “managing”? The truth is that most of us are not…

Case Studies of two doctors who transitioned into building their dream health business and how they did it!

Case Studies of two doctors who transitioned into building their dream health business and how they did it!

Whether you got your MD, DC or ND, you know that the things that help your patients the most are learned outside of your program. Typically it’s through real life experience, learning from experts and going to seminars. It was a cool fall day and I had just walked into class. I was a quarter…