There is no universal plan for health—no workout routine, no best diet. You are a unique human being, and feeling into your intuition and body is your biggest support for improving health. Yet, as unique as we all are, there are some guidelines you can follow to help with hormone health. This is especially true when it comes to eating. In fact, some foods are best when it comes to supporting hormones: adrenal, sex, and thyroid. Keep reading to learn how to balance hormones with food. 

How to Balance Hormones with Foods 

Adrenal Hormones 

Our adrenal glands manage stress, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and produce sex hormones! In other words, proper adrenal function is necessary for a happy libido, mood, and energy. They’re pretty important. 

But these days, most of our adrenals are begging for some love and support. If you experience chronic physical fatigue, emotional stress, and poor sleep, your adrenal hormones are probably out of whack. This can happen for a number of reasons, including excessive sugar, poor diet, lack of sleep, and inability to handle stress.


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Our adrenal hormones include the popular cortisol (stress hormone), adrenaline, DHEA, aldosterone, and norepinephrine. 

Foods for Adrenal Hormone Balance 

Bell Peppers

Vitamin C is essential for healthy adrenal function. Our adrenals store Vitamin C, and when we are stressed, our bodies use up a lot of it. Replenish your storage with bell peppers of all colors for a healthy vitamin C dose. 


Blood sugar imbalances have a huge impact on our adrenal glands. The healthy fats from avocados help balance blood sugar, which helps not only adrenal function but also nervous system function. Keeping our nervous system calm is essential for handling stress. Avocados also contain Vitamin B5, which is a stress-fighting vitamin. 


This superfood is loaded with Vitamins K, A, and C. As we know, vitamin C can help restore our adrenals while B vitamins can support our nervous systems. Vitamin K is fabulous for blood and reducing damage caused by stress. 

Pumpkin Seeds 

When you think of pumpkin seeds, think magnesium. And when you think magnesium, think anti-stress mineral. Most people are deficient in magnesium, and they don’t even know it. Magnesium is essential for many things, but especially calming the nervous system and supporting quality sleep. When we have adrenal fatigue, our sleep schedule can really use some help. Consuming magnesium-rich foods like pumpkin seeds can help us destress and relax. 

Thyroid Hormones 

Our thyroid hormones are responsible for metabolism and energy. Think T3, T4, TSH, etc. When we are deficient in iron, our thyroid cannot produce the proper amount of thyroid hormones and can lead to a thyroid issue. Keeping our thyroid production in check is crucial for stable energy and a well-functioning metabolism. 

When your thyroid hormones are not in balance, you may experience a slow metabolism, extreme fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, weight issues, and more. Ready to learn how you can support your thyroid function? Keep reading. 

Foods for Thyroid Hormone Balance 

Brazil Nuts 

You’ll notice a common theme in this article, healthy fats. Beyond healthy fats, brazil nuts also contain selenium, an antioxidant that protects the thyroid gland and helps the body convert T4 to T3, the active thyroid hormone. A couple of brazil nuts a day will help you reach your selenium intake and support your thyroid. 


Dulse, arame, kombu, nori, wakame are incredible sources of iodine, a mineral that helps regulate our thyroid hormones. 


Spinach is rich in iron which helps promote healthy thyroid function and hormone production. Popeye’s favorite food is also packed with B vitamins, which are amazing for energy and expelling sluggishness. 


This superfood is loaded with protein, fiber, and minerals amazing for thyroid function. A struggling thyroid slows down digestion, but quinoa can combat that! It’s also a fantastic source of zinc which is fabulous for thyroid hormone production.

Sex Hormones 

Our sex hormones regulate reproduction, sexual development, and motivation. Our main sex hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. While our sex hormone levels change naturally during different stages of our lives (and monthly for women), they can be thrown out of whack fairly easily. Diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins play a role in sexual hormone balance. 

When your sex hormones are out of balance, you may experience low libido, issues with fertility, irregular cycles, debilitating PMS, migraines, headaches, brain fog, and more. Let’s learn about foods that can help keep these hormones in check. 

Foods for Sex Hormones Balance 

Flax Seeds 

Rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, flax seeds help eliminate excess estrogen from the body. Research has also shown that they can help improve or prevent hormone-related issues, including menopausal symptoms. 


Lentils are a great source of protein and fiber, which helps reduce estrogen levels. Lentils also contain zinc which can help support healthy testosterone levels. 

Wild Salmon 

Salmon is overflowing with Vitamin-D, which is actually a hormone, not a vitamin, that helps us make sex hormones and boost testosterone levels. It’s also high in omega-3’s which we know is great for eliminating excess estrogen and reducing our risk of certain hormone-related diseases. 

Sweet Potatoes

These yummy starchces are packed with vitamin B6, a vitamin that aids in liver detoxification. Our liver is responsible for ridding any excess hormones out of the body. This is especially helpful with estrogen, which a lot of us have an excess of due to conventional cosmetics and food. 

Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds are high in Vitamin E, which is crucial for estrogen production. It also helps to boost progesterone levels, which is amazing for mood. 


This cruciferous vegetable is rich in glucosinolates, which help to neutralize and eliminate carcinogens and isothiocyanates—nutrients important for preventing estrogen-related cancers. Because this green veggie is also high in fiber, it helps eliminate excess estrogen via bowel movement and digestion.

An important note final note: 

If possible, always purchase organic, non-GMO food. This is crucial because pesticides and herbicides mimic hormones. If this isn’t possible, thoroughly wash your food before consuming it. Even small moves towards better hormone health will have a huge impact. 

I hope you found some gems in this article that can help you get on the track to happier hormones. 

More Resources:  

Adrenal Fatigue, Leaky Gut, and Wild Hormones  

How Blood Sugar is Affecting Your Thyroid 

Stress & Aging: How Adrenal Fatigue Impacts Collagen Production

How to Recover from Adrenal Fatigue 

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