As women, our hormones are constantly in flux—it’s normal. But sometimes, stressors and lifestyle changes, whether from your cycle, cosmetics, food, or environment, can cause hormones to go haywire. And when your hormones are out of balance, so is everything else: mood, sex drive, weight, sleep, motivation, etc.
Fortunately, there are ways to help keep hormones happy and balanced. Today, we’re talking about hormone supplements. These natural supplements for women’s health can help keep your hormones firing appropriately for better mood, mindset, and overall health. Let’s dive in.
First and Foremost: A Healthy Diet
Incorporating hormone support supplements into your routine can help get you back on track. But never forget that supplements can not replace the power of whole foods!
If your hormones are out of balance, always go for food first! So while we’ll be pointing out specific vitamins and minerals that you can buy in pill form—try and get them through your food as well!
Top 5 Supplements for Hormone Imbalance
Effective for balancing thyroid conditions, adrenal imbalance, premenstrual issues, and perimenopausal symptoms.
Unfortunately, our soil is majorly depleted these days, which means we’re not getting nearly as many essential nutrients and minerals as our grandparents used to. Magnesium is one of them.
Not only is modern industrial agriculture to blame for our magnesium deficiency, but also just modern society in general. Our cells use a lot of magnesium during stressful times, and well, let’s be honest—times are stressful.
Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for balancing hormones, and here’s why.
It plays a huge role in nervous system regulation and cortisol production. As you may know, cortisol is the stress hormone, and when our adrenals fire too much or too little, we are out of balance.
It’s also one of the best allies for a good night’s sleep, and optimal sleep is crucial for hormone balance. Magnesium calms the brain by blocking the binding of glutamate, a stimulating neurotransmitter to NDMA receptors.
Furthermore, magnesium supports healthy thyroid function. A lot of cases of thyroid imbalance are caused by inflammation. Magnesium decreases underlying inflammation, which is responsible for the autoimmune response.
The essential mineral also helps produce steroid hormones (think progesterone, estrogen, DHEA, and testosterone). It’s also been shown to reduce oxidative stress and prevent telomere shortening in the body, aka what causes aging in both our brains and bodies.
Supplementing with magnesium for hormone balance can be as easy as sipping on a powdered supplement, like our Hydration Superfood Energy, or upping your intake of these yummy foods. Legumes are loaded with magnesium. Stock up on lentils, chickpeas, and black beans for a healthy dose of magnesium. Consume plenty of dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collards. Nuts and seeds like almond, flax, chia, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin are also incredible sources of magnesium. You may be happy to hear that a good amount is found in chocolate. But the cool part is, a lot of your chocolate cravings may go away after increasing magnesium intake, as cravings are often linked to deficiency.
B Vitamins
Critical for production and metabolism of hormones and neurotransmitters as well as liver detoxification and function
B vitamins are essential for balanced hormones. To understand this, let’s start again with deficiency. When we are deficient in B12 (the most common B vitamin deficiency), we are more vulnerable to physical and emotional stress, and we may feel depleted, tired, and depressed.
As we know, stress leads to hormone imbalance. This is why supplementing with B12 can help keep hormone levels in check. It’s important to note that B12 comes in various forms, with some being more effective than others. When looking for a good quality B12 supplement, make sure you are getting it in the form of methylcobalami, like what is found in our Hydration Superfood Energy powder. This form has a positive impact on mood and promotes the free flow of neurotransmitters.
B6 is another important B vitamin involved in hormone function. It binds to estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, flushing out excess hormones and reducing the risk of imbalances and diseases. In addition to a good B6 supplement, consider increasing your intake of whole, non-citrus fruits and good-quality poultry.
In addition to B6 and B12, B9 also has its place in hormone function. Also known as folate, B9 can lower an adrenal hormone associated with higher blood pressure. It also works synergistically with serotonin production, which means getting a proper amount of B9 will help keep mood up. Consume dark leafy greens, cantaloupe, asparagus, citrus fruits, bananas, and beans for B9.
Also known as niacin, B3 stimulates phase 1 detoxification that is essential for proper circulation and healthy nervous system function. When it comes to hormones, niacin promotes the release of growth hormones in the adrenal glands. It also impacts serotonin levels because the body uses tryptophan (a precursor to serotonin production) to produce B3. This is why niacin is believed to have antidepressant effects.
B5 plays an important role in hormone production and is helpful in coping with physical and mental stressors. Progesterone and estrogen are only produced when there is enough B5 in the system.
Increase your intake of B5 via a good B-multivitamin or consume foods like avocado, mushrooms, collard greens, lentils, broccoli, and bananas.
When looking for a B vitamin supplement (specifically B9, B6, and B12) make sure that it is methylated folate. This will help your body more easily absorb and assimilate it. Because B6, B9, and B12 all regulate hormone metabolism, supplementing with these B vitamins will be extremely helpful in balancing hormones.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Improve the ability of hormone production for a happier and more balanced mood and more
If you’ve been searching for ways to balance hormones, you know that increasing your intake of healthy fats is one of the best and easiest ways. Most people these days omega 6 fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids are out of balance—with omega 3’s being way too low . Consuming a diet high in nutrients and omega 3 fatty acids improves the body’s ability to produce progesterone naturally. When our progesterone levels are supported, our mood is supported, and we can experience a better menstrual cycle.
Now, a popular way to supplement omega 3 fatty acids is with fish oil. But should you really be taking fish oil? A lot of fish oils on the market contain rancid oil or heavy metals from the fish itself—in a more concentrated form. If you still want to supplement with fish oil, make sure it is from a trusted company. Other omega 3 fat alternatives include: horsetail, nettles, wild blueberries, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, mangoes, sweet potatoes, colorful melons, artichokes, asparagus, kale stems, coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil, and tallow.
For a happy gut and happy hormone production, metabolism, and more
Did you know that 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut? That means that gut health directly impacts hormone health. Supplementing with probiotics is a great idea to help keep your gut flora and hormones happy.
We wrote a whole article on how to choose the best probiotics and gut health supplements. You might be surprised about what we said. Many probiotics on the market contain only a small number of beneficial bacteria, while the optimal healthy human gut should contain 20,000-30,000 species. The greater diversity, the healthier microbiome.
Taking a probiotic with only 22 (and that’s a high number for most products) is kind of like monocropping in industrial agriculture these days. While it can be helpful to repopulate some of those beneficial bacteria with a supplement, you should prioritize eating a lot of diverse foods. Get creative, and go off of your normal menu this week.
Probiotics for a healthy gut we love:
Vitamin D
This vitamin is actually a hormone, and if it’s out of balance…well…that means your hormones are
Up to 41% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. For as common as this is, it’s pretty alarming. Vitamin D, oddly enough, is a hormone and many cells have a receptor for it. Because we get the best form of Vitamin D from the sun, it’s important to supplement and consume foods high in Vitamin D during the colder months to help balance hormones.
Vitamin D3 is especially important to prevent wild hormone fluctuations, so if you are going the supplement route, opt for a good quality D3. Vitamin D is fat-soluble so always take with a fatty meal (fatty fish is a great option) for proper assimilation.
Best food sources with vitamin D
- Salmon
- Herring and sardines
- Egg yolks
- Mushrooms
- Orange juice
- Oatmeal
And of course, make sure you are getting at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day! That’s going to be the best way.
I hope this article has helped you understand how supplements can be beneficial for balancing hormones. Adding in these hormone-balancing supplements can be an easy, accessible, and effective way to help keep your hormones happy. Seriously, it can be easy! Especially now since our Superfood Collection has finally launched. Check out our delicious, in-a-league-of-their-own supplements to get all of these hormone-balancing essentials and more! Drop a comment below and let me know what resonated most for you in this article.
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