Trying to find the best essential oil brand for you and your needs can be overwhelming. Sorting through big companies and long blog posts that all claim to know “the best essential oil brand” can be confusing. Add the fact that the essential oils industry is unregulated, and you’ve got yourself an easy excuse to give up. That’s why I’m making it as easy as possible by reviewing the most asked about essential oil brands. In this article, I’m going to review and rate Grandma’s Essential Oils on a scale of A+-F based on price, selection, and quality. To learn more about our rating scale, go here.
But before we get started, you need to make sure you have a clear goal in mind. Why do you want to get started with essential oils? Do you want it to become a lifestyle, or are you only looking to add a few drops here and there to make your home and laundry smell good?
If you’re only interested in the latter, then opting for a cheap, not-so-pure brand wouldn’t be a horrible idea for you or your wallet. Now that you have a clear goal in mind, let’s dive into Grandma’s essential oil and see if they are the right fit for you.
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The Basics: Who is Grandma’s Home essential oils?
Grandma’s Home is a family-owned and run company in Brooklyn, New York. Their Etsy bio says they began the company after encountering countless errors on the internet about oils: people paying too much and then using them incorrectly. They claim to sell top-level oils at an affordable price.
I want so badly to like Grandma’s Home right off the bat (I mean, who isn’t a sucker for small business these days), but only after digging into the price, selection, and quality will I know if I can vet for this family business.
Grandma’s Home essential oils will not break the bank. In fact, you should be a little skeptical of these prices. While they don’t have a website, they are available on Etsy and Amazon. Because their prices are so low, it makes me question where they are sourcing their ingredients from. If you want a pure essential oil that has therapeutic benefits, you need to get that oil from its native region, which means that sourcing can end up being expensive. Because these oils are incredibly cheap, this is a huge red flag on sourcing.
Lavender: $3.50 for 15mL*
Peppermint: $3.50 for 15mL*
Frankincense: $3.50 for 15mL*
*Grandma’s Home offers its oils in 4fl oz, 2fl oz, 30mL, and 10mL. I calculated the 15mL price based on these findings.
Grandma’s Home offers 70 varieties of oils, a decent amount for a business run by only three people. They offer the most popular oils like tea tree, lavender, and citrus oils in addition to some uncommon ones like basil and clary sage.
When looking through their selection on Etsy, they offer unconventional oils like sweet almond, castor, and argan—which are not essential oils at all. They have a decent selection but not nearly enough for someone looking to create a lifestyle out of essential oils.
Grandma’s Home claims that their oils to be 100% pure, organic, and natural therapeutic, but there is not quality information to back it up. As a small business, this isn’t surprising, but it is a red flag for me. They don’t let you know where they source their ingredients from or what tests they go through to make sure they are pure like they claim and aren’t tainted, which happens a lot in the essenital oils sector.
Despite concerns about quality, they’ve had over 3,000 sales on their Etsy and have an overall five-star rating. If you are looking to use oils for DIY cleaning recipes or to make your home smell good, Grandma’s Home may be a small business you want to support. But, if you’re looking to use oils for therapeutic benefits, I wouldn’t recommend this brand. There needs to be a lot more quality information about sourcing, processing, and testing.
Grandma’s Home Rating
Grandma’s Home seems like a nice family-owned shop, and if you want to support small businesses, I would recommend it—but only for aromatic uses. Because there is not enough quality information and selection is lacking, I’m rating Grandma’s Home a C, which means average or middle of the pack. They’re not the best but not the worst. Often, there are substantial opportunities to improve in one or more areas, and that would need improvement. These oils are typically best used for their aroma or what I call “smell-good” oils. Use for therapeutic benefit likely won’t get results that you’re happy with.
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