Our goal is to help you find your perfect essential oil brand. Before reading up on the brand you may be considering, familiarize yourself with our rating scale so you can understand how exactly we are reviewing each brand.
Money isn’t everything, but this is one of the most searched questions about essential oils brands. What’s the price? Whether you’re on a super tight budget and you’re looking for cheap essential oils or you want the creme de la creme (which can come at a higher price), we’re going to compare the different options here.
One thing to note with price is the quan ty in the bottle. Just know that we’re comparing apples to apples here. We’re not comparing one company’s 2 mL bottle with another company’s 5mL bottle of the same oil. Ya dig?
Already killing it!
If You Were More Consistent With Your Wellness Routine, You’d Be Unstoppable.
I highly doubt you want to spend your time ordering essential oils from multiple companies – or running errands all over town if you’re buying locally. No thanks. Depending on what you need, you may want to shop with a company that has a wide variety of op ons – or if you know that all you want is lavender essential oil to make your laundry and home smell nice…well, variety isn’t really that important. Our insights on selection will help you understand what you can expect in terms of oil op ons that you have available.
Purity or quality is important too. Whether you’re looking for organic essential oils or you want to use them for some kind of therapeutic benefit the quality is really important because it can play a role in the results that you get. And if results is what you’re after then quality should be what you’re after, too. We’ll share what we’ve discovered on essential oil quality for each company.
Making The Grade
To simplify this process for you, we’ve given each essential oil brand a grade so you can quickly sum up a company by looking at the grade. Here’s what each ranking means:
Out of this world value, quality and experience for customers.
Ideal for using essential oils for therapeutic benefit and for those that want to make essential oils use a lifestyle. These companies often go above and beyond in customer
experience as well.
Really great value and quality.
These oils are perfect for therapeutic benefit and for those that want to use as a lifestyle. They may not offer some of the perks and other nuances of higher rated companies.
Above average compared to other brands but falls behind other companies
This brand typically falls behind other companies that outperform on quality, value and customer experience. These oils are still good (but may not be the best) for therapeutic benefit.
Average. This company falls in the middle of the pack.
Not the best and not the worst. Often there are substantial opportunities to improve in one or more areas. These oils are typically best used for their aroma or what I call “smell good” oils. Use for therapeutic benefit likely won’t get results that you’re happy with.
Below average.
There are way better options to choose from.
I wouldn’t give these oils to my worst enemy.
Now that you understand our rating scale, check out our reviews on the brands you may be considering- I promise you will find your perfect brand.
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