I sometimes find myself scrolling through Pinterest for hours looking at pantry inspo and kitchen inspo. Nothing gets me quite as excited as organizing my pantry does. Maybe it’s looking at all the healthy food and thinking about new recipes or maybe it’s just that everything has its own little spot and looks pretty.
Buying tea in bulk is something that I love to do, first and foremost because it’s easy and affordable and second because it gets my creative juices flowing. Can I add ginger to this? How about a little raspberry leaf combo here? Making my own tea concoctions at home gets me mindful and aligned. I think about the ingredients I’m putting in my body and why I’m doing it in the first place.
This article will provide you with the best 10 teas to buy in bulk so you can make your own healing teas specific to your needs that day. Change up the flavors and the benefits and forget about tea time ever being boring again. I’ll let you know why you should buy tea in bulk, tips post-purchase, the best ones to buy, and recipes to get started today!
Why Buy Tea in Bulk?
There are so many benefits of buying your own leaves and roots to make tea at home. Don’t get me wrong, I am the first girl to love a good quote attached to my tea-bag but in the end, buying in bulk is more eco-friendly, affordable, and satisfying.
Not only will it make your pantry look like a beautiful apothecary but it will also spark a new found creativity that will allow you to get the most out of the precious leaves, fruits, and seeds. Its friendly for the environment and even friendlier on your wallet.
When you shop for your teas in bulk make sure that you’re getting it from an organic source that will supply you with powerful healing teas sans additives and chemicals. The worst part about some teas (even if they are organic) is that they are still sprayed with herbicides and pesticides.
The last thing we want to do when we drink herbal tea is to drink the chemicals along with it. When you buy in bulk you’ll know that what you are purchasing will carry all the medicinal benefits, fragrant smells, cleansing properties, nutritional value and FLAVOR that you’re looking for.
- Understand shelf life: most organic bulk tea companies will provide this for you
- Proper storage: keep in a glass or tin jar with a lid and in a cool spot away from moisture
- Buy a glass steeper pot: you won’t only fall in love with it, but it will make your tea time way easier
The Best And Most Versatile Tea Ingredients
The powers of chamomile have been prized for centuries. In medieval times, chamomile was referred to as the “plant’s physician” because wherever it grew, the flowers and herbs around it were rejuvenated and healed.
Chamomile has the same incredible effects on humans. Keeping chamomile in your tea arsenal will allow you to create a variety of soothing combinations perfect for afternoon or night time.
If you need a little more convincing, how about the two dozen plus nations that approved chamomile as a treatment for chronic and serious issues and ailments? Here are the amazing properties and uses that everyone can benefit from.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Contains azulene a known anti-fever substance
- Anti-inflammatory
- Tannins
- Flavonoids
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Magnesium
- Salicylates
- Bitter glycosides
Therapeutic Uses
- Crohn’s disease
- Labor pains
- Poor digestion
- Anxiety
- Muscle tension
- Arthritis
- Chest Colds
- Quality sleep
- Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile herb
- Steep for 5-7 minutes
- Drink for calming effects
Peppermint leaves taste cool and refreshing just like their aroma smells. While peppermint is most popular for soothing digestive disorders, the leaf contains amazing compounds that also help with your respiratory system and mental fatigue.
The best part about peppermint might be its subtle sweet flavor that makes it a perfect addition for a variety of tea combinations. Try drinking peppermint tea post-meal to increase digestion or mid-day to boost memory and productivity. Bonus: drink peppermint tea post-workout to help relieve minor pain from strains and sprains.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Menthol
- Menthone
- Flavonoids
- Phenolic acid
- Triterpenes
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Potassium
Therapeutic Uses
- Relieving nasal, sinus, and chest congestion
- Colds and coughs
- Mental stimulant
- Indigestion
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Muscle aches
- Tension headache
Peppermint Tea
- Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves
- Steep for 10 minutes
- Strain and cool
- Enjoy for up to 3 times a day
This vibrant pink flower is a supercharged immune booster. Keep this dried flower handy when flu and cold season comes around to decrease severity and length of common symptoms like pains and aches, sore throat, and congestion.
Native American tribes consider echinacea their one-stop-shop medicinal remedy for everything from sore gums to snake bites. The herbal power found in Echinacea lies within its ability to increase T cell and antibody production.
Since echinacea is a super potent immune booster, it’s important to watch excessive intake. High dosage can result in nausea and dizziness. So only drink when you have a serious cold, cough or the flu and the next day you’re bound to say “What sickness?”.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Vitamin C
- Linoleic acid
- Polysaccharides
- Echinacoside
- Tannins
- Sesquiterpenes
- Glycoproteins
- Alkylamides
- Antifungal
- Antiviral
- Antiseptic
Therapeutic Uses
- Colds and flu
- Post-injury
- Harsh cough
- Aches and pains
- Fever
Echinacea Tea
- Pour one cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of echinacea flower/leaf
- Steep for 10 minutes
- Strain, let cool and enjoy
Lemon Balm
The wonders of lemon balm have been praised for millennia leading to its referral as the “elixir of life”. Greeks used to drink lemon balm infused wine while Arabs hailed it as a remedy for depression, heart conditions, and memory.
Herbal practitioners today advise lemon balm for dementia, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s disease. A study found that lemon balm extract enhanced cognition and minimized agitation when Alzheimer’s patients took it internally (1).
Since lemon balm can also relax gastrointestinal tract muscles, drinking lemon balm tea can act as a suitable digestive aid. Add a jar of dried lemon balm to your tea shelf for a wide-range of health benefits.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Antispasmodic
- Antioxidants
- Polyphenols
Therapeutic Uses
- Mood conditions
- Insomnia
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Stomach complaints
- Muscle spasms
- Bloating/gas
Lemon Balm Tea
- Add 1 teaspoon of dried lemon balm leaf to 1 cup of boiling water
- Steep for 5-7 minutes
- Strain
- Cool and enjoy
The word licorice was derived from Greek words meaning “sweet root” probably because it’s 50x sweeter than sugar– even if they didn’t know that. Licorice root has a plethora of healing benefits that are beyond healthy for us!
In ancient medicine, licorice was hailed as a remedy for respiratory and digestive ailments. Nowadays, herbalists recommend licorice root for laryngitis, coughs, mouth ulcers, and bronchial infections.
Licorice is a must have on your bulk tea team so you and your family can reap all the sweet perks and taste.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Antiviral
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-arthritic
- Glycyrrhizic acid
- Triterpene saponins
Therapeutic Uses
- Sore throat/cough/bronchitis
- Respiratory infection/colds
- Heartburn
- Shingles
- Herpes
- Stomach cramps
Licorice Tea
- Combine 1-2 teaspoons of dried chopped licorice root with boiled water and boil for 10 minutes
- Strain, cool, and drink 1 cup twice a day
Chia seeds can now take the back seat because raspberry is the new hottest superfood. I officially proclaim raspberry leaf tea as the tea of the woman! I can’t really take credit for that because it has long been referred to as a woman’s herb. That’s because it was prescribed to young women for menstrual cramps/regularity issues and during pregnancy and labor. Since the 6th century, it’s been said that raspberry leaf helps strengthen the uterine walls.
Raspberry’s high antioxidant profile also makes it an ideal beautifying drink. So whether you want to drink it for a healthy pregnancy or for a glowing complexion, add this fruity leaf to your list.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Tannins
- Essential fatty acids (83% to be exact)
- Vitamins B, B3, and E
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Polyphenols
- UVA/UVB protection
Therapeutic Uses
- Pain related to pregnancy and labor
- Morning sickness
- Menstrual complaints and regulation
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea
- High blood pressure
- Infections
- Kidney disorders
Raspberry Leaf Tea
- Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for 5 minutes
- To extract tannins to treat a sore throat or diarrhea tea must be steeped for 15-30 minutes
If packing valerian on the ship was a no brainer for European colonists, then there should be no question if you should add it to your bulk tea list. During ancient times, Greeks utilized valerian for excessive water retention, liver disorders, and urinary tract infections. Fast forward to the Middle Ages when valerian was hailed as a cure-all– but throughout time valerian’s real claim to fame has been its calming effects.
In the 1600’s Europe and eventually the US used valerian as a sedative for many nervous disorders including depression and epileptic seizures. You can also take advantage of valerian’s calming effects for insomnia. There have been various clinical trials that looked at the effects of valerian on insomnia. Two studies found that after administering valerian to insomnia patients every night for 2-4 weeks showed a significant increase in a restful sleep compared to the patients given a placebo.
Valerian tea tastes beautiful (and works even better) with other medicinal teas. Make this root a must on your list for a better nights sleep with only good dreams.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Valerenic acid
- Valerenol
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B
- Calcium
- Sesquiterpenes
- Glycosides
- Caffeic
Therapeutic Uses
- Insomnia
- Anxiety/nervousness
- Depression
- Nervous system issues/nerve pain
- Relaxes colon and uterus
- Headaches
- Stress
Valerian Tea
- Steep 1 teaspoon of dried valerian root in 1 cup of hot water for 10 minutes
- Strain and drink 30-60 minutes before bed
If you like sweet, refreshing and slightly fruity teas– hibiscus tea is for you. The fruits, seeds, and leaves of hibiscus have been found in folk medicine traditions of Central America, India, Africa, and Mexico. Hibiscus is primarily known for its mild diuretic and laxative effect but you can also utilize the power of hibiscus tea for coughs, liver and gallbladder problems. (even hangovers)
You may recognize hibiscus from the ingredient list on the back of various weight loss teas and that’s because of its flavor and diuretic effect. But there is much more interesting research coming out about the health benefits of hibiscus.
Recent clinical trials with type 2 diabetics indicate that hibiscus lowered blood pressure and increased high-density lipoprotein (the good cholesterol) (1). Because of hibiscus’ diuretic effect and ability to inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (a compound that increases blood pressure), it is very promising that hibiscus may play a huge role in cardiovascular health.
If you want to keep your heart healthy, your waistline tiny, and your cholesterol down, make sure to fill a glass jar with hibiscus.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Diuretic
- Mild laxative effect
- Antioxidants
- Mucilage
- Pectins
- Anthocyanins
- Vitamin C
Therapeutic Uses
- Increase circulatory health
- Lower cholesterol
- Lower blood pressure
- Colds and sore throat
- Decrease water retention and bloating
- Weight loss
Hibiscus Tea
- Combine 1 cup of boiling water and 2 teaspoons of dried chopped hibiscus
- Steep for 15 minutes
- Can be served cold or hot
Stinging Nettle
In 4th century BC, Hippocrates (and other healers) described 61 remedies using nettle. Let’s be real, if Hippocrates says it works, then I’m on board. Stinging nettle is going to be good for your whole body. From allergies to arthritis, adding stinging nettle leaf to your tea bag will do miraculous things.
Drink nettle tea for lethargy and fatigue– and if you’re a breastfeeding mama, try nettle tea for stimulation and milk flow! Stinging nettle also has a unique power that fights pain– it’s been valued since ancient times to treat several painful conditions (use your tea bag post drink to relieve body pain).
Internally, stinging nettle is also praised for its calming effect on itchy and sneezy people. Adding nettle to your tea will boost your immune system, tamp down pain, and make you feel lighter!
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Antihistamine
- Anti-inflammatory
- Mild diuretic
- Styptic
- Iron Tonic
- Lignans
- Polysaccharides
- Lectins
Therapeutic Uses
- Allergies
- Pain relief
- Fatigue
- Immunity
Stinging Nettle Tea
- Boil 1 cup of water and steep 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves for 5 minutes
- Strain and enjoy
Last but so obviously not least: ginger. Ginger is a must have ingredient in your tea armory. Seriously, consider putting it in any combination of tea because you won’t be wrong. I mean the Sanskrit name vishwa bhesaj literally translates to “universal medicine”.
Adding ginger to your tea can help with nausea, vomiting, colds, headaches, flu, and painful periods. Ginger will stimulate blood flow, digestion and warm the body. And our body could use some warming during the winter season. So whatever you do– buy dried ginger root in bulk because you’ll be using a lot of it.
Properties and Active Ingredients
- Anti-inflammatory
- Warming
- Carminative
- Antispasmodic
- Diaphoretic
- Antiemetic
- Expectorant
- Anti-depressant
- Stimulant
Therapeutic Uses
- Upset Stomach/Nausea
- Digestion
- Poor circulation
- Chills
- Nervousness/Anxiety/Depression
- Fatigue
- Colds, Flu, Sore Throat
- Pregnancy sickness
- Congestion
- Menstrual complaints
- Inflammation
- Gas/Bloating
Ginger Tea
- Bring one cup of water to boil and pour over ¼-½ teaspoon of dried ginger powder/leaves and steep for 10 minutes
- Enjoy!
Easy DIY combination teas
Perfect tea to boost your mood and energy.
- ½ teaspoon of stinging nettle
- ½ teaspoon of peppermint
- 1 teaspoon of lemon balm
Get your vital organs right and your waistline slim with this combination
- ½ teaspoon of ginger
- 2 teaspoons of hibiscus
An amazing post-dinner (or really any meal) tea
- 1 teaspoon chamomile
- 1 teaspoon lemon balm
- ½ teaspoon ginger
Hard day at work? Normal day at work? Try this combination to give your body and mind some rest
- 1 teaspoon valerian
- 1 teaspoon lemon balm
- 1 teaspoon peppermint
- ½ teaspoon chamomile
Your time of the month
Ditch bloat and painful cramps with this combination tea
- 1 teaspoon raspberry
- 1 teaspoon hibiscus
- ½ teaspoon ginger
Respiratory Ailments
Kick your cold, cough, or flu with this must make
- 1 teaspoon echinacea
- 1 teaspoon licorice
- ½ teaspoon peppermint
If you like your herbal teas on the sweeter side, don’t be afraid to add stevia or a little bit of raw honey to make them even that more delicious and nutritious.
Now that you have a list of the best herbal teas that can do just about anything with, get to bulk buying! If you don’t see one of your favorite teas on the list– comment below and tell me why it’s a must for you!
- Johnson, Rebecca L., et al. National Geographic Guide to Medicinal Herbs: the World’s Most Effective Healing Plants. National Geographic, 2014.
- Shealy, C. Norman. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies. Thomsons, 2018.
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