You’ve probably ended up on this page because you’re interested in finding the perfect essential oils brand for you, and you want to know if Saje Wellness is it. Today, we’re going to take a look at Saje Wellness essential oils and rate the brand on a scale of A+-F based on price, quality, and selection. To learn more about our scale, go here.
Searching for the essential oils brand that fits your goals, lifestyle, and budget can be a daunting task. Because the essential oils industry is largely unregulated, the phrase “best essential oils brand” is very subjective. It also means that brands can slap whatever fancy buzzword like “therapeutic” and “pure” on their bottles and have nothing to back it up.
Before we get started, I need you to get clear on one very important thing: what is your goal with essential oils?
Already killing it!
If You Were More Consistent With Your Wellness Routine, You’d Be Unstoppable.
Are you looking to make oils a lifestyle and use them for colds, anxious feelings, confidence, and energy? Or do you just want to make some of your own all-natural cleaning products? There’s no right answer, but getting clear on this will help you figure out what brand will work best for you. By the end of this article, you’ll know if Saje Wellness is the right brand for you.
The Basics: Who is Saje Wellness?
Saje Wellness is a wellness company, online and brick-and-mortar, that sells essential oils, dryer balls, diffusers, and body and skin care, among other things. I love the sleek look of their website and their about page seems legit. They say they are “redefining wellness” and “believe in physical and emotional well-being for all, which is why we create 100% natural products to support you in making healthy choices every day. It’s how we encourage all human beings on their journey to wellness.”
They say they redefine wellness by using 100% natural products, not 97% or 99% (I love this!, they have “worry-free wellness” (more on this later), they support their customer in creating healthy habits, and they are a purpose-led company supporting the environment and ethical workforce.
Saje Wellness essential oil pricing is pretty mid-line. They aren’t priced high enough to make me think they are crazy high-quality, but aren’t priced low enough to make me think they are poor quality. In fact, these are really accessible and reasonable prices for good essential oils, especially if you want to start your journey with a few solid ones. Let’s dive into quality now.
Peppermint oil: $22
Lavender oil: $22 or $54 for pure high grade
Frankincense: $54
As you know, in today’s market, there is no single license, certification, or definition of what it truly means to be a natural product. So Saje takes it upon themselves. They created their own code of conduct to keep themselves accountable to the highest standard of natural excellence and insures that ever ingredient they use is vetted against their SNS prior to formulation:
- Ever single ingredient we use must be derived from natural sources
- An ingredient must not contain residues or impurities in its finished state, higher than the acceptable limits defined by the FDA, EPA, or Health Canada
- An ingredient must be processed or manufactured by their approved processed found here
Noted on their about page, their products are free from parabens, SLS, artificial colorants, synthetic fragrances and fillers. They are also free from all ingredients found on teh EWG’s Toxic 12 and other Dirty Dozens lists—which I’m not positive what this means because that is just a list of foods with the highest pesticide residues. I suppose they don’t use those in their oils.
I don’t see any information about their distillation process or where exactly they source their ingredients, which I would really like to know.
Saje has all of the basic essential oils that a beginner would need, as well as some that you don’t typically see for a more-than-essential-oils brand. I personally love their collection of single oils as well as their blends. This seems like a great brand for yogis as they offer grounding blends and face sprays specially for a yoga practice. They also have roll-ons, blend kids, and diffuser blends. You can also shop by concern which can be super helpful for a newbie.
Saje Wellness Rating
I am rating Saje Wellness an A, which means they have really great value and quality for what you are buying. These seem to be perfect for those who are looking for a therapeutic benefit as well as someone who wants to use them in cleaning or in deeper wellness practices like yoga.
The only thing that was a bit upsetting was that they didn’t have enough info about their distillation process or sourcing. I would really like to see that.
Overall, I think Saje Wellness could be a great option for someone who wants to just get a few oils to start with and incorporate them into a larger wellness practice, whether that be meditation, yoga, cleaning, or beyond.
I found frankincense oil yesterday, helps relieve the irritating inflamation in my knees. Last night I bought 2 bottles from Majestic Pure off Amazon. Today I found you, found Majestic Pure not so pure. Tonight I will be returning them w/o even opening them. I would like a few more sites to compare product and price. Thanks.
Hi! Thanks for your comment and happy to hear you are returning. You can find all of our rating and reviewing here to check out for yourself! I personally use Doterra. Hope this helps!