Copaiba essential oil belongs to the botanical family Leguminosae and is extracted via steam distillation from the resin. Today, the versatile oil’s primary uses include treating acne, anxiety, inflammation, muscle aches, and pain. The benefits of copaiba essential oil are extensive and have been harnessed for thousands of years. The oleoresin’s historical uses include assisting with skin disorders, respiratory problems, cystitis, bladder/kidney infections, insect bites, and even tumors (1). 

Other possible uses of copaiba essential oil can help with constipation, edema, flatulence, flu, nervous exhaustion, poor circulation, and stiffness. Interestingly enough, copaiba is used in many pharmaceuticals, including cough medicine and diuretics

Copaiba oil’s uses and health benefits are all thanks to its potent properties. Properties include: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, stimulant (circulatory, pulmonary systems) 

Today, we’re going to talk about the top benefits of copaiba essential oil and how you can use it for health and wellness in your life. 

8 Benefits and Uses of Copaiba Essential Oil

Natural Acne Treatment 

Due to its potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, copaiba oil can be an excellent natural treatment for acne. A 2018 study published in Alternative Medicine Review: a journal of clinical therapeutics, found that volunteers with acne showed a highly significant decrease in skin affected with acne. The double-blind placebo proved exciting for those with troubled skin. 

To use copaiba for its skin breakout benefits, add a drop of copaiba to your facial cleanser, moisturizer, or toner and apply it directly to the area of concern. Remember to avoid your eye area. 

Natural Dental Care 

Using plant botanicals in your natural dental care routine can offer tremendous benefits, and copaiba essential oil is no different. A study published in the Brazilian Dental Journal, copaiba oil was found to stop bacterial growth, specifically Streptococcus mutans, which is known to cause tooth decay and cavities. 

This means that you can stop the reproduction of this harmful bacteria hence preventing cavities and tooth decay! Try adding a drop of copaiba to your oil when oil pulling or a drop to your toothbrush! 

Alleviate Pain 

Copaiba oil may come in handy for natural pain relief. Research has found that copaiba oil demonstrates a peripheral and central pain-relieving effect making it beneficial for those who suffer from chronic pain. 

In particular, an article published in 2017 found that those with joint pain and inflammation showed favorable results when using copaiba essential oil. This is most likely due to its anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties. 

Natural Neuroprotective Agent 

A 2012 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at how copaiba oil resin could have neuroprotective benefits following acute neural disorders due to inflammatory reactions, including stroke and brain/spinal cord trauma. 

The study used animal subjects with acute motor cortex damage and opted for internal copaiba oil-resin treatment to induce neuroprotection by regulating inflammatory responses. The results were fascinating. Researchers found that copaiba oil-resin did have anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover, after one dose of 400 mg/kg of copaiba oil-resin, data showed a 39 percent reduction of damage to the motor cortex! 


One of the most common uses of copaiba oil is as a natural calming agent. Diffusing the sweet, woody scent proves to help ease tensions, anxious feelings, and worries. After a long-hard day, try adding five drops of copaiba to your diffuser and inhaling deeply. If you struggle with falling asleep, copaiba may be able to help calm racing thoughts and worries so you can get a restful sleep. 

Natural Anti-Inflammatory

In 2014, a study found that copaiba oil-resin produced two effects on mice with multiple sclerosis (MS): decreased production of molecules associated with inflammation and reduced amount of oxygen radicals, which can cause cell damage. 

In 2017, another study in rats looked at the effects of copaiba oil on tongue injury. The tongue tissue of rats who received copaiba treatment showed a smaller presence of immune cells associated with inflammation.  

Promote Wound and Cut Healing 

A 2016 study looked at the potential antibacterial and antimicrobial effects of copaiba oil on wounds, cuts, and scars. Researchers found that even a low concentration of copaiba oil effectively inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, supporting its possible use in topical formulations for wound and scar healing. 

To use copaiba for wounds and scars, add one drop to a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply it to the affected area. 

CBD Alternative

If you are still on the fence about using CBD in your daily life to support health and wellness, copaiba oil is a great alternative. Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in nearly everything we do, including mood, inflammation, appetite, sex, and exercise.

Within the ECS, there are two primary receptors of cannabinoids, CB1 and CB2. CB2 supports a healthy immune system and nervous system. Phytocannabinoids like CBD have an effect on C2 and is produced naturally in copaiba essential oil. To active the CB2 receptor, and experience similar benefits to CBD, inhale to create a relaxing environment or use topically for its anti-inflammatory effects for pain and other concerns such as the ones mentioned above.

Using Copaiba Oil

Copaiba oil can be used aromatically, topically, and internally. If you choose to use it internally, make sure you purchase a therapeutic grade oil from a trusted source and consult with your doctor. Those who are pregnant or nursing should avoid internal use of copaiba oil. 

For aromatic use, you can inhale directly from the bottle or add five drops to a diffuser for a calming effect. For topical use, dilute one drop with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut. You can also try adding a drop to a hot towel or compress and laying it on the area of concern. 

Copaiba essential oil offers a wide variety of uses and benefits, including making your home smell sweet and woody to improve oral health. Let me know in the comments below what you are going to use copaiba oil for! 



  1. Modern Essentials Handbook. AromaTools, 2019

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