Eucalyptus essential oil is one of the best essential oils for sore throats, seasonal allergies, congestion, headaches, cough, and respiratory conditions. The multi-use oil can help boost immunity and fight infections. As an immune stimulant, eucalyptus is a must-have essential oil for the cold and flu season.
Other properties that make eucalyptus oil a powerhouse includes: antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitussive, antiviral, decongestant, expectorant, febrifuge (anti-fever), immunostimulant, pectoral, spasmolytic, tonic, stimulant, vulnerary.
We can thank its primary chemical compound, 1,8-cineole, for the variety of benefits eucalyptus oil has to offer. Now that we’ve got all of the nerdy-sciency stuff out of the way—let’s talk about what eucalyptus oil is.
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What is Eucalyptus Oil?
Eucalyptus oil comes from the leaves of the native Australian eucalyptus tree species (think what koalas munch on). Historically, eucalyptus was used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory to relieve pain and reduce inflammation due to respiratory conditions. Today, eucalyptus oil is used for the same reasons.
Do you know that vapor rub that your mom would spread all over your chest as a child when you had a cold or cough? That scent was eucalyptus. It’s stuck around for this long because it works! But that’s not all it’s used for—here are the top __ benefits and uses of eucalyptus essential oil.
7 Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Soothes Bronchitis and Other Respiratory Conditions
Okay, so yes, I said that respiratory conditions were not all that eucalyptus oil is used for, but it is the most widespread use, so we must talk about it!
Eucalyptus is one of the most effective essential oils for fighting respiratory conditions, including bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sinusitis, the common cold, or flu.
The monoterpenes in eucalyptus oil work to decongest the mucus while relieving symptoms associated with respiratory infections (1,2).
As an immunostimulant, eucalyptus oil boosts immunity and provides antioxidant protection to improve respiratory circulation. Even more, eucalyptus activates the nose’s cold receptors making it easier to breathe when feeling congested (3,4)
An animal study also showed that eucalyptus could reduce chronic bronchitis’s inflammatory effect and inhibit airway mucins’ hypersecretion.
More research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at treating upper respiratory tract infections with aromatic use essential oils. The study treated participants with a blend of eucalyptus, peppermint, oregano, and rosemary essential oils. The study compared the placebo group results and the experimental group who applies the oil as a spray five times a day for three days.
After 20 minutes of spray use, the study found that those in the experimental group reported a significant improvement of symptoms compared to those in the placebo group. Symptoms measured were sore throat, cough, and hoarseness.
To use eucalyptus oil for respiratory relief, diffuse five drops or mix two drops with a carrier oil and apply to the chest.
Seasonal Allergy Relief
Chemical compounds found in eucalyptus, including eucalyptol and citronellal, have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, making it a great oil for relieving seasonal allergies.
BMC Immunology published an animal study that showed eucalyptus to have immuno-regualtory effects that exerts an immune response when the body comes in contact with an allergen.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies but are tired of taking OTC or prescription medications, try wearing aromatherapy jewelry with eucalyptus oil. You can also dilute and add to your wrists and chest or diffuse and deeply inhale before heading outside.
Headache Relief
Eucalyptus makes the list of best essential oils for headaches because it can relieve sinus pressure that causes tension headaches. As a tonic, eucalyptus oil has incredible invigorating properties that boost mental clarity and alleviate tense facial muscles.
A 2011 study found eucalyptus oil’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects to inhibit mucus formation and improve breathing, which in turn helped reduce sinus headaches.
For extra headache relief benefits, combine eucalyptus oil with peppermint oil. Dilute one drop of each with a carrier oil and apply to temples and the back of the neck. You can also diffuse three-four drops of each for some serious headache relief (5).
Fights Infections
Research shows that eucalyptus oil’s antimicrobial properties can stand up against various strains of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
A study showed that eucalyptus oil has an antiviral effect on the herpes simplex virus.
Additionally, the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine published a study that showed eucalyptus oil’s inhibitory effects against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, which cause staph infections.
Furthermore, eucalyptus has potent antifungal properties that can combat common fungal infections like candida and toenail fungus (6).
Wound Care
Eucalyptus oil’s antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties make it a great natural remedy for wounds, cuts, sores, burns, and insect bites.
A 2017 review looked at the effects of eucalyptus essential oil on dermatological conditions and found it effective against cold sores, insect bites, sores, ulcers, wounds, blisters, boils, and athlete’s foot, and bacterial dermatitis!
Combine 1-2 drops of eucalyptus with a skin-loving carrier oil like coconut oil and apply to the area of concern.
Alleviates Earaches
As an expectorant, eucalyptus oil clears the respiratory tract of mucus and, in many cases, can unclog fluid build up in the ear canal. To use eucalyptus to improve ear infection symptoms due to nasal congestion, bacterial infections, allergies, or the common cold, diffuse five drops!
Reduce Pain and Inflammation
Topical use of eucalyptus oil can aid in pain relief for muscle soreness due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and its cooling effects. Dilute 1-2 drops of eucalyptus with a carrier oil and apply to the area of discomfort.
In addition to topical pain relief, a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine evaluated the effects of aromatic use of eucalyptus oil. The trial looked at the pain and inflammatory responses of patients after total knee replacement surgery. During rehabilitation for three consecutive days, patients either inhaled eucalyptus oil or almond oil for thirty minutes. Researchers looked at pain, blood pressure, and heart rate and found that the eucalyptus group showed significantly lower blood pressure groups on the second day. More research needs to be done to study the inhalation effects of eucalyptus on pain relief, but this study is promising.
Now that you know the top benefits and uses of eucalyptus essential oil, are you convinced that this is a must-have oil? Let me know in the comments below what you are most excited to harness the potent powers of eucalyptus for!
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